3 Faith Leaders I Admire and a Short Story About BibleLines

3 Faith Leaders I Admire and a Short Story About BibleLines

The Bible is a rich and complex text, and having great faith leaders and Bible teachers can guide us in understanding its message. Throughout history, many influential figures have dedicated their lives to studying and sharing scripture.

Today, I want to tell you a little about three such teachers who continue to win souls for Christ around the world even after their lives: Billy Graham, Derek Prince, and Tim Keller.

And finally, let me share a short story about how they connected with BibleLines.

1. Billy Graham: The Evangelist

Billy Graham is a household name synonymous with Christianity and evangelism. For over six decades, he preached the Gospel to millions and millions. His straightforward message of faith and salvation resonated with people from all walks of life. Graham's charisma, combined with his unwavering commitment to spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ, cemented his place as one of the most influential figures in modern Christianity.

2. Derek Prince: Scholar and Teacher

Derek Prince was a prolific Bible scholar and teacher whose in-depth knowledge of scripture continues to impact Christians today. Prince, originally from England, spent much of his ministry in the United States. He is known for his clear and concise explanations of complex theological concepts, making the Bible accessible to a wider audience. His writings and teachings delve into various aspects of the Christian faith, emphasizing God's redemptive power and the importance of living a holy life.

3. Tim Keller: Theologian for Today's World

Tim Keller is a contemporary theologian and pastor whose insightful sermons and writings address the challenges faced by Christians in the 21st century. Keller served as the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. His ministry has focused on applying biblical principles to real-world situations. Keller's teachings are known for their intellectual depth, cultural relevance, and emphasis on applying faith to all areas of life.

A Short Story About BibleLines.

The Role of Derek Prince.

Listening to Derek Prince's sermons was one of the strongest triggers for me to start BibleLines. There was a period in my life when, on my way to work and back home in my car, I listened to Derek's sermons. One day, while listening to his explanation of John 13:34-35 (in his not so famous sermon: "Commanded to Love"), I realized that I had read this verse so many times but never understood it in the way Derek told it. His explanation was a revelation for me. I liked it so much that I wanted to stop my car and write it down.

I didn't stop the car. As a user experience designer, having designed so many digital products and solutions, BibleLines immediately came to mind. The idea of having Derek's Bible teachings directly under every verse he has ever mentioned was so exciting to me that I can't stop dreaming about making it happen.

Yes, I didn't stop my car, but I dropped my previous startup, I lost my high-paying job, and with our team without external funding, we continue to build BibleLines.

The Role of Billy Graham and Tim Keller.

Billy Graham is not just an evangelist or teacher; he is a legend. I haven't met anyone who could talk about Jesus in such an easy-to-understand and influential manner as Billy Graham. After starting to build the app, I realized that Billy Graham's classic sermons should be added there with the highest priority.

When telling people about Jesus and Christianity, I always encourage them to read the Bible. However, the feedback I often receive is that it's very difficult to understand. I believe that integrating Billy Graham's teachings into BibleLines will help many accept Christ because of his easy-to-understand and life-changing classic sermons.

Tim Keller was my inspiration when I started sharing the gospel with my atheist friends. I studied physics at university and worked at high-tech companies, so I was always surrounded by mostly secular or atheist people. My point always remained the same:

Whether God exists or not from a scientific perspective is equally irrational. You need the same measure of faith to accept or reject God's existence.

You can't imagine how happy and encouraged I was when I heard the same words by Tim Keller in his speech at Google. Then I started to listen to him more and more, and I realized how exciting it would be if all atheists when at some point decide to read the Bible, meet Tim's explanations under every Bible verse he has ever mentioned.

These are just three examples of the many inspiring Bible teachers who have shaped the Christian faith in recent times and continue to inspire and encourage us to continue building BibleLines. They were my favorite teachers at different stages of my life.

Even though they were from different denominations with distinct doctrines and theologies, their timeless sermons and Bible teachings complement each other, providing foundational knowledge of faith and Christianity.

Finally, let's consider a small example about the future of BibleLines (on Ephesians 2:8) and imagine how it will be to have their Bible teachings between the lines of your Bible.

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Thank You and God Bless You.
- Perch and Gagik
Founders @ BibleLines