Support BibleLines

Become a Donor and Join the Mission.

We are BibleLines

Our mission is to bring your beloved Bible teachings between the lines of your Bible. We need your support to keep lights on and continue developing the app you love.

Our Story

* All Donors will be granted the lifetime voting rights in our development roadmap.

Development Roadmap

Upcoming Features

  1. Finalize Android Version: Ensure the app is fully optimized and ready for Android users.
  2. Follow Bible Teachers: Enable users to follow their favorite Bible teachers within the app.
  3. Say Amen: Introduce a feature allowing users to express agreement or appreciation for content.
  4. Add Your Videos: Users can upload their own videos, contributing personal insights and teachings.
Become Donor

BibleLines is a vital resource for helping to create true disciples of Christ and mature believers for all the exciting things that God has planned for us.

Dean Spitzer PhD

Former professor; author; Bible teacher.

The Future of Bible-Based Content is Between the Lines of the Bible.

Download the App Become Early Partner

Usually, people don't scroll here. Since you've scrolled, there's something for you.

Our mission is to help people deepen their understanding of the Bible.
There is no app to scroll and become more like Jesus. We are building.
It's the first and only app to read the Bible and listen to sermons.
We designed it to scale globally and set the new standard.

1. If you are a Bible teacher, join our early partnership program.
2. If you are a faith-driven investor, book a time and let's talk.
3. If you just want to help, support us with a donation.

Thank You and God Bless You.
- Perch and Gagik
Founders @ BibleLines