We Are BibleLines.


Accelerating the life-changing impact of the Holy Bible


Organizing Bible-based content from every nation and denomination between the lines of the Bible to make it accessible to every Bible reader worldwide.


December 2022 - Idea

Perch decided to serve God not only with money but also with his God-given talents and experience. He dropped his previous startup and started BibleLines.

2023 - Beta Version

Perch pitched the idea to Gagik. They founded the company and launched a beta mobile app with YouTube integration and AI verse detection, developed by their friend Gurgen.

2023-2025 - All Content Formats

BibleLines is available on mobile, web, and desktop, offering AI-powered real-time verse search and detection in all content formats, including video, audio, books.

2025-2027 - YouTube for Christians

BibleLines enables all content creators to transfer and upload their content to our servers to become independent from YouTube and other third-party hosting providers.

2027-2029 - Billion+ users

With Billion+ users BibleLines is the #1 platform where all Bible-based content creators upload their content, discipling people and nations worldwide.

2030+ Bible Tablets

BibleLines is more than a platform; with Bible tablets running on a special Bible OS, it becomes an entire independent tech ecosystem devoted exclusively to the Holy Bible.


Perch Voskerchian

Co-founder & CEO

Gagik Kyurkchyan

Co-founder & CTO

Gurgen Blbulyan

ML Specialist

Ronnie Amaya

Marketing Specialist


Dean Spitzer PhD

Former professor at 5 universities; author; consultant with IBM and other Fortune 100 companies; Bible teacher at many Bible Colleges.

Gerald Duran

Serial faith-driven entrepreneur; author; managing partner at CanaGlobal.org; venture partner.

Arman Manukyan

Pastor at a evangelical church; author; Bible teacher at Global university; partner at Jesus.net.

The Future of Bible-Based Content is Between the Lines of the Bible.

Download the App Become Early Partner

Usually, people don't scroll here. Since you've scrolled, there's something for you.

Our mission is to help people deepen their understanding of the Bible.
There is no app to scroll and become more like Jesus. We are building.
It's the first and only app to read the Bible and listen to sermons.
We designed it to scale globally and set the new standard.

1. If you are a Bible teacher, join our early partnership program.
2. If you are a faith-driven investor, book a time and let's talk.
3. If you just want to help, support us with a donation.

Thank You and God Bless You.
- Perch and Gagik
Founders @ BibleLines