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Does Your Venture Grow According to God's Plan for Your Life?

Let BibleLines help you understand God's plan for your venture.
It will change your results.
More Than a Bible App

Transform Your Venture Driven by Faith.

You don't have to learn from the world. Learn from super-successful faith-driven entrepreneurs and investors, between the lines of your Bible!

Biblical Example (Acts 8:26-40)

There Was an Ethiopian Reading the Scriptures.

1. He went home, after worship at the temple.

2. He strived to understand the Scriptures alone.

3. After the teacher explained it, he understood.

4. After understanding, his life changed...

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Understanding the Bible Will Change Your Results.

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Hi, my name is Brian Mangels, and as a Christ-following entrepreneur I have analyzed and seen the tremendous value of BibleLines when viewed from every angle. BibleLines' approach to bible study has the propensity to become market disrupting, granting access of deeper understanding to those otherwise unable to attain and thus potentially changing the trajectory of Christianity as a whole and creating an unprecedented eternally valuable impact.

Brian Mangels (North Carolina, US) Co-Founder & CEO at Home On and Solar On

The Future of Bible-Based Content is Between the Lines of the Bible.

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Usually, people don't scroll here. Since you've scrolled, there's something for you.

Our mission is to help people deepen their understanding of the Bible.
There is no app to scroll and become more like Jesus. We are building.
It's the first and only app to read the Bible and listen to sermons.
We designed it to scale globally and set the new standard.

1. If you are a Bible teacher, join our early partnership program.
2. If you are a faith-driven investor, book a time and let's talk.
3. If you just want to help, support us with a donation.

Thank You and God Bless You.
- Perch and Gagik
Founders @ BibleLines