Hey, Christians, It's time to wake up!

Hey, Christians, It's time to wake up!

We remember the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but we allow this to happen.

We at BibleLines disagree with it.

63% of the US identifies as Christian, yet only 6% hold a biblical worldview, understanding essential foundations like salvation and grace.

Evil exploits technology, rapidly bringing sin within one-click distance to everyone through social media.

Hey, Christians, It's time to wake up!

1. The issue of the next generation:

In today's fast-paced world, people habitually scroll through social media feeds and prefer short-form videos for consuming information. Reading the Bible or listening to hour-long sermons feels boring, especially for the next generation.

2. Issues of truth:

Nowadays, it's so easy for people to manipulate others using 'the Word of God' by taking verses out of context and offering their own interpretations. With BibleLines, we provide access to every sermon within its chapter context, ensuring that every sermon is accessed in the context of the Scriptures.

3. The issue of gender identity:

If you speak about it on social media, sooner or later your content may be considered hate speech and blocked. Their guidelines are becoming more ungodly every day, and one day you may wake up to find that the majority of your beloved Bible-based videos are blocked.

Our Solution

BibleLines solves this by organizing video teachings directly under relevant Bible verses, allowing users to read the Bible and listen to sermons from the exact moment a verse is discussed.

It's time to leverage modern technologies to address today's challenges, helping people, (especially the next generation) understand the Bible and live out its teachings in their daily lives.

Martin Luther used the technology of his time (the printing press) to spread his message before the Reformation happened. It's time to use today's technologies to make your message available to every Bible reader worldwide.

We invite you to join us!

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The Future of Bible-Based Content is Between the Lines of the Bible.

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Usually, people don't scroll here. Since you've scrolled, there's something for you.

Our mission is to help people deepen their understanding of the Bible.
There is no app to scroll and become more like Jesus. We are building.
It's the first and only app to read the Bible and listen to sermons.
We designed it to scale globally and set the new standard.

1. If you are a Bible teacher, join our early partnership program.
2. If you are a faith-driven investor, book a time and let's talk.
3. If you just want to help, support us with a donation.

Thank You and God Bless You.
- Perch and Gagik
Founders @ BibleLines